Forecasts of convenience: why is the fossil fuel industry mapping our energy future?

July 1, 2015By Hannah McKinnonBlog Post, Featured 1 Comment

Would you take it seriously if tobacco companies announced that smoking trends weren’t expected to change much over the next 30 years? And imagine then, that this is what governments used to make tobacco policy: “Forecasts show that people aren’t going to quit smoking, steady rates of smoking around the world are inevitable, so all anti-smoking policies will assume not much is going to change.”

Analysis: World Bank Group increases spending on fossil fuels

April 17, 2015By David TurnbullPress Releases

New analysis released today by Oil Change International shows that, despite repeated calls for urgent action on climate change, the World Bank Group increased funding for fossil fuels in its last fiscal year. This increase comes during the first full fiscal year following the World Bank’s announced commitment to limit coal financing due to climate concerns.

World Bank Fossil Fuel Lending Increases in Last Year

October 8, 2013By Elizabeth BastBlog Post, Featured 2 Comments

In spite of a heightened institutional focus on combating climate change, the World Bank increased its lending for fossil fuels over the last year. Meanwhile, the World Bank also has a ways to go in terms of tackling its objective of supporting universal access to energy, as only 8 percent of the Bank’s energy portfolio last year targeted the world’s poorest.