Join the March for Science this Saturday

April 19, 2017By Andy RowellBlog Post, Featured, News

This Saturday, on Earth Day, there will be a March to stand up for science in the face of the most anti-science US Administration ever. A March to stand up for facts in the Trump post-factual era. To highlight issues such as climate change with a climate denier in the White House. To stand up for scientific free speech, in a dangerous era of political censorship. The message is simple: “Science, not Silence.”

Donald the Medieval King Canute of Coal

March 29, 2017By Andy RowellBlog Post, Featured, News

Like the misguided Medieval King Canute, who believed he could hold back the incoming tide, Trump yesterday tried to reign back President Obama’s climate legacy and derail the “unstoppable” clean energy transition, by denying climate science and pledging his allegiance to fossil fuels, notably coal.