The Paris climate goals demand a rapid, just transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. We’re pushing governments to lead the way by adopting policies to end oil and gas production.


In order to achieve climate goals, governments and other decision makers must support a just and equitable move away from fossil fuels. We are pushing for precedent-setting leadership from governments to put policies in place to manage the decline of oil and gas and ensure a just transition for fossil-fuel dependent workers and communities.

Building from a growing group of first mover governments, we are pressuring for increasing numbers of national and regional governments to end new licenses and permits for oil and gas production, and to develop plans to wind down their existing production over time.


The traditional English cottage garden full of roses, delphiniums and hollyhocks may soon be a thing of the past because of climate change, the government warned yesterday.
Ian Pearson, the Environment Minister, said that average temperatures would probably increase by 5.4F (3C) by the 2080s, forcing gardeners to move from traditional plants to Mediterranean varieties that could withstand dry, hot summers.

Loyal to Big Oil is a new consortium of oil barons, energy-company CEOs, giddy traders on the energy futures market and the faithful representatives in Congress who deliver the subsidies and tax breaks we love at the expense of consumers and taxpayers who can't afford lobbyists of their own.
Over the weekend, Loyalists in Nevada City, California, Eugene, Oregon, and Boston, Massachusetts took to the streets to thank their representatives who have been Loyal to Big Oil. A bit of the Boston action is shown below.
Are your Senators and Representatives loyal too?:
(Actually, Loyal to Big Oil—a partnership between Billionaires for

Anyone interested in the changing geo-political landscape and China’s growing influence on oil politics should listen to Tom Mangold’s second programme in his excellent series, “Driven By Oil”. The programme explores how the emergence of a thirsty China will reshape our world over the coming decades. It will lead, in all probability, to increased conflict between the US and China, and changing power structures in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.


This briefing assesses Shell’s fossil fuel extraction plans in light of Shell's appeal of a Dutch court verdict requiring the company to take responsibility for its climate pollution. Our analysis shows that Shell continues to plan for levels of oil and gas production and investment that undermine the world’s chances of curtailing climate disaster.

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