For media inquiries, please contact:
Valentina Stackl
Who we are:
Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the coming transition towards clean energy.

Join us for a critical press conference addressing the failure of the five major North Sea oil and gas-producing countries – Norway, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark – to fulfill their climate commitments. The press conference will unveil a comprehensive report and set of benchmarks rating North Sea countries' oil and gas production policies by their level of alignment with the Paris Agreement developed by Oil Change International.

“Since COP28 in Dubai, both producers and importers of fossil fuels have a responsibility to accelerate the transition away from them.  While COP28 President Al Jaber is right to point out that fossil fuel demand needs to decline rapidly, this cannot be an excuse for the massive expansion of fossil fuels planned by his own company, ADNOC, and the five rich global north countries responsible for the majority of planned oil and gas expansion to 2050, led by the United States."

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