Countries make joint statement on shifting fossil fuel subsidies towards renewable energy at COP28

December 9, 2023By nicolePress Releases, Stop Funding Fossils

“Today’s announcement from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Canada and many of their peers is a disappointment. At a time when we need rich country leaders to concretely expand their past ambition to secure a fair deal, these ministers are just regurgitating promises and initiatives that are now more than a decade old and have been so ineffective that fossil fuel handouts and profits continue to reach record levels.”

Oil Change International responds to mixed bag at COP28 Finance Day outcomes

December 4, 2023By nicolePress Releases, Stop Funding Fossils

Today was Finance Day at the UN climate talks in Dubai, with a mixed bag of outcomes according to Oil Change International campaigners. Multilateral development bank representatives met with the COP28 Presidency, and failed to show progress in redirecting much needed finance for a just energy transition, while export credit agencies indicate a significant drop in fossil fuel support. 

COP28 Media Advisory – Day 4

December 3, 2023By nicolePress Releases

As the UN climate talks are well underway, fossil fuel phase out and an agreement to triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency are top of the agenda. Today, ahead of finance day, transforming public finance institutions to free up billions of dollars that are available to pay for the just transition is also entering the conversation – as 200+ civil society groups today call on world leaders to use COP28 to overhaul global monetary, trade, tax, and debt rules, as well as international financial institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. 

Press Release: World Energy Outlook 2023

October 24, 2023By Al Johnson-KurtsPress Releases

Paris, France – Today, the International Energy Agency’s flagship report, the World Energy Outlook (WEO), reaffirms that world leaders must not develop new oil, gas, or coal beyond existing fields, and must close some existing fields and infrastructure early, to remain within the internationally agreed upon temperature limit. The WEO’s findings reinforce urgent calls for … Read More