Oil Change International

April 2023

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Translations: Japanese

Japan’s Toxic Energy Strategy for Asia: Japan’s so-called “Green Transformation” is soaked in fossil fuels

This briefing explains how Japan’s new “Green Transformation (GX)” policy, approved by its Cabinet in February 2023, is a greenwashing exercise designed to benefit corporate interests and prolong the use of fossil fuels at a time when renewable energy solutions are reliable, available, cleaner, and cheaper. 

The strategy under GX relies heavily on LNG; ammonia co-firing; fossil hydrogen; and carbon capture, utilization and storage. These technologies would prolong the lifespan of fossil fuels at a time when countries need to phase them out. Japan is using its diplomatic might to promote the GX strategy at the G7 and within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The policy also aims to deploy these technologies across Asia under the guise of “decarbonization.”

However, communities and groups across Asia, including Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines, are rejecting Japan’s dirty energy strategy and are mobilizing to stop Japan from derailing the energy transition.

Japan needs to stop investing precious resources in volatile, dirty energy and unproven technologies. As Japan prepares to host the G7 summit in May 2023, it will face increasing pressure until it places clean energy and climate security above Japanese corporate interests.

Read the full briefing here.


  • This expresses my feelings exactly!

    Between 2020 and 2022, the G7 provided at least USD 73 billion in public finance support to fossil fuel projects, almost 2.6 times more than their support for clean energy over the same period.
    Japan, Germany, and Italy have not yet delivered on their climate commitments from last year’s G7 summit to end new direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector.
    Japan’s new “Green Transformation” energy strategy is an exercise in greenwashing designed to benefit Japanese corporate interests, not Asia. The policy relies heavily on fossil fuel-based technologies instead of renewable energy solutions.
    Canada, the United Kingdom, and France have met their commitments and now have policies in place that restrict their fossil fuel financing.

  • After reading the Briefing paper on Japan’s toxic energy strategy, I couldn’t help but wonder if those “corporate interests” championing this toxic energy strategy in Japan are acting as a stalking horse for US Hydrocarbon Hellspawn Government “Subsidy” Welfare Queens. After all, since the end of WWII, Japan has, from building nuclear power plant polluting monstrocities to subsidizing highly polluting profit over people and planet heavy industries, just done WHATEVAH the US Big Polluter corporate interests wanted them to do…

  • Transitioning to clean, sustainable energy is an absolute necessity toward addressing the global climate crisis. Japan has a moral obligation to the world to move to renewable sources. There is no “wait-and-see” time window. The time is now. The solution is clear. The well-being of the planet will be the benefactor.

  • Please stop investing precious resources in volatile, dirty energy and unproven technologies

  • Let the Land of the “Rising Sun” be blackened by the emission from the Fossil Fuel they are promoting. Let them stay in darkness until they awake to the needs of OUR PLANET. I am disappointed in their behavior, because I always looked at the Japanese as a respectful body of individuals that have compassion for their elderly. Now I see a different picture. They care only for PROFIT, even at the expense of their YOUNG and Seniors. Shame on those responsible for this new enlightenment.

  • Let the Land of the “Rising Sun” be blackened by the emission from the Fossil Fuel they are promoting. Let them stay in darkness until they awake to the needs of OUR PLANET. I am disappointed in their behavior, because I always looked at the Japanese as a respectful body of individuals that have compassion for their elderly. Now I see a different picture. They care only for PROFIT, even at the expense of their YOUNG and Seniors. Shame on those responsible for this new enlightenment.

    I have never written about this before in my lifetime. This is a first for me.

    CC: Aew Jjw Dy

  • Banks and the world’s largest economies continue to fuel the climate crisis by pouring billions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry.

  • Japan is one of my very favorite countries. I am drawn to the reverence people there have for nature. I have always felt Japan was a step ahead of so many other countries, because its people see the whole of existence.

    I am disturbed that Japan has chosen to depend on LNG instead of looking for ways to incorporate clean energy. We will never be free of destructive fossil fuels unless we truly make change. I would expect you to be a leader in this. I hope you will change course on fossil fuel for the sake of all of us, and show what Japan can do with the understanding of wholeness.

  • There is still trillons of dollars to be made in the fossil fuel market. Its all about the money not the planet. The oil and gas barons could care less about anything but the money.

  • Japan has to import fossil fuels now. It could be building solar, wind, and wave energy production, and certainly has the intellectual and manufacturing resources to create energy storage. Japan must do its part in saving our planet.

  • Divesting from fossil fuel is critical to support life on Esrth! Converting to clean renewable energy MUST be a concerted, timely, sustainable effort going forward!

  • It’s time to get real, even it is involves some current pain. “Developing” the rest of the world with fossil fuels is a recipe for disaster.

  • Between 2020 and 2022, the G7 provided at least USD 73 billion in public finance support to fossil fuel projects, almost 2.6 times more than their support for clean energy over the same period.
    Japan, Germany, and Italy have not yet delivered on their climate commitments from last year’s G7 summit to end new direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector.
    Japan’s new “Green Transformation” energy strategy is an exercise in greenwashing designed to benefit Japanese corporate interests, not Asia. The policy relies heavily on fossil fuel-based technologies instead of renewable energy solutions.
    Canada, the United Kingdom, and France have met their commitments and now have policies in place that restrict their fossil fuel financing.

  • Ammonia co-firing and fossil hydrogen are not clean energy when the source is also included. Also swItching from coal to trees for energy WOULD have a negative effect on biodiversity and minimal change in co2 production.
    Finally CCUS is grossly under performing at 3.5% of its needed goal to reach its goal of CO2 net zero scenario.
    Japan can join the global community in curtailing funding of dirty energy and investing instead in clean proven energy alternatives.

  • “Newton’s Third Law of Motion” “Action & reaction are equal and opposite” If we are trying to save people died with diseases from bad environmental to close our business from jobs for the people but its reverse people are more dying with hunger more than from bad environmental.So finally I can say prevention is better than cure ,safety is the first priority for the people rather than closing our business.

  • Fossil fuels are not the answer. Decentralized sources of energy, such as solar panels on roofs will ultimately benefit not only individuals and families, but all society.

  • What are you going to do after it’s too late for change? Humans are changing our environment.

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