Let’s move on from the last blog about the political will being needed to make technological change. Two reports on two different continents show how we could reduce our oil dependency now, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions given political will and economic investment.

A report by the UK-based argues that marine energy could provide up to 20 per cent of the UK’s current electricity needs and become cost-competitive with conventional and other renewable types of energy generation. But for that to happen it has to be given the right level of investment now.

John Callaghan from the Carbon Trust argues that the “marine renewables market is an exciting prospect as part of the UK’s fight against climate change. However, public support and private investment is needed now to step up the pace of marine renewables development in the UK and ensure it meets its potential.”

Move several thousand miles to California. A new study by the Center for Clean Air Policy, (CCAP) an environmental think tank based in Washington, found that achieving Governor Schwarzenegger’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels by 2010 can be met at no net cost to California consumers.

The study described a number of cost-effective ways to cut emissions, including capturing methane from landfills and manure and using it to generate energy, and switching freight transport from diesel trucks to rail. “This is great news for California consumers and for the global climate”, argues CCAP President Ned Helme.

This study was backed up by a report from economists at the University of Berkeley that found that found that the cost savings on fuel generated by curbing greenhouse gases would translate into more money for consumers and more jobs. “We can save money now by addressing climate change,” Professor Alex Farrell, told the Los Angeles Times.

So you have a win-win-win scenario: You can save money, save the climate and create jobs – what are we all waiting for?