Countries make joint statement on shifting fossil fuel subsidies towards renewable energy at COP28

December 9, 2023By nicolePress Releases, Stop Funding Fossils

“Today’s announcement from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Canada and many of their peers is a disappointment. At a time when we need rich country leaders to concretely expand their past ambition to secure a fair deal, these ministers are just regurgitating promises and initiatives that are now more than a decade old and have been so ineffective that fossil fuel handouts and profits continue to reach record levels.”

Study confirms need to redirect billions in Netherland’s fossil fuel subsidies

October 12, 2023By nicolePress Releases, Stop Funding Fossils 1 Comment

Ending fossil fuel subsidies presents a massive opportunity to shift billions to pay for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate finance, as well as to social protection measures that can mitigate any harmful impacts on households. If the Netherlands takes action now, it has an opportunity to bring other countries along at COP28, the upcoming UN climate conference in Dubai.

Release: Shell snubs climate case verdict and continues drilling for more

September 30, 2022By Oil Change InternationalFeatured, News, Press Releases

Despite the ongoing climate crisis, Shell continues to develop new oil and gas assets. Since the Dutch court ruling in May 2021, Shell has made definitive investments in 10 assets, which once burned will result in 325 million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions. Shell also co-owns more than 750 untapped oil and gas assets, which would amount to 4.3 billion metric tonnes of extra CO2 emissions, 30 times more than the total emissions from the Netherlands in 2021.

CSOs say E3F countries need to act with urgency and integrity to meet commitments to end export finance for fossil fuels

November 24, 2021By LauriePress Releases, Stop Funding Fossils

The time has come for ambitious E3F action, not just ambitious words. We do not want to see a year of vague compromises and exceptions that water the commitment down and lead to continued support for fossil fuels, such as gas – as this not only puts the climate at risks, it also locks countries in the south into fossil dependence with all the economic risks that come along.